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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  October 2, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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him. so this person a mysterious person even to the people of mesquite. >> describe the sort of acts of heroism that took place here. >> you know, i hope something good comes out of all this, is all the acts of heroism of all the people who fought to save lives. i saw first-hand this morning, i went out over to the hospital around 3:00, 4:00, in the morning and i saw doctors, nurses, police, paramedics trying to save lives. there's one there who had just passed away. but these are people doing everything to save lives including strangers at the site yesterday. >> thank you so much. it is the top of the hour. we have a lot more on our breaking news now. the worst massacre in modern american history.
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i'm don lemon live in las vegas. at least 59 people killed, 527 people injured all by one man, stephen paddock, who turned his las vegas hotel room at the mandalay bay hotel behind me into a massacre. shots ringing out with headliner jason alvene on stage. i'm going to talk to a whole lot of people tonight, survivors with stories. and with investigators, investigators deg prtly searching for clues why this 64-year-old would massacre so many strangers. i want to begin with cnn's kyung lawe. >> reporter: they put his name
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into the database and quickly realized they didn't have having on him. they had no known contact with this man, any criminal history, a parking ticket, any traffic violations. to them he simply oza mystery. he was a citizen not really doing anything wrong and not showing up on their radar. and that very much is a story we're also hearing from his family. this is a guy that completely did not have red flags, especially to his brother. here's what he told reporters. >> he was in mesquite. he had a girlfriend. he gambled at the casinos. he called his mother. >> reporter: was he particularly, you know, hyped about politics or anything. >> nothing. nothing. no religious affiliation, no political affiliation. no, he just hung out. >> reporter: and no history of
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mental illness? >> not a bit. >> reporter: and we spoke to his neighbors throughout the day, don. they tell us they would see mim. they wouldn't have deep conversations with him, but he seemed like a perfectly nice guy. they would talk about the weather, the latest news. they also had no idea what was happening in their community. >> listen, 42 weapons in total. 23 at the mandalay bay, 19 in his home. found at the shooters home and hotel room. fill us in. what do you know? >> reporter: it's simply astonishing to the people living here. this is a 55 plus community. you have do be 55 years old in order to live here. it is very quiet. i'm not hearing any noise right now. the residents live here because they feel it's very safe. they like to shortly after dawn walk their dogs, get out, have coffee, talk to one another.
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the fact this was happening right in their neighborhood, that there were explosives in a house right here, it is very unsettling for them. and they say because this is person just like them, 64 years old, someone who they thought was just an average retiree, it's very disconcerting. >> kyung lah in mesquite, nevada. i want to go to drew griffon now. his brother says he was a multi-millionaire. is that true? >> we don't know. he did dabble in properties. we have tracked maybe a half-dozen properties in several states. but, don, they're hit-or-miss. certainly nothing so far to indicate he was making a killing in real estate. what we do know this is 55 and
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older community where paddock owned a home from 2013 to 2015. the fbi here investigating, interviewing neighbors and in particular investigating one neighbor who knew him pretty well. in fact when paddock moved in he actually gave this guy a key, said i'm not going to be living here much, can you keep an eye on the place and described to that neighbor that what paddock did for a living was gamble. listen to what don judy had to say about the man that is now this notorious killer. >> he was a gambler and a speculator, and he told us that right up front since he was from vegas. and he did a little online gambling and also did it in vegas. and that was one reason he was going back and forth to vegas is to keep the gambling going, and then he would occasionally do it online here.
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>> he showed me a phone picture one once. he told me a slot machine with the $20,000 on his phone. >> reporter: don, we've dug into all kinds of records. no mental health illness, no military service, no ptsd. we went back and looked his divorce records. two marriages short-lived. no history of domestic abuse in either one of those marriages. there is really nothing right now to indicate that this man had anything to do with any hate group, any religious group, any kind of political group. he is a black slate, which is why authorities tonight are saying give us patience on a motive. right now there is just not one apparent. don. >> certainly a mystery. drew griffon, thank you so much. melbourne, florida. now i want to bring in cnn's scott mcclain.
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scott is at the hospital where many of the victims of last night's shooting were taken. you're at the medical university right now, as a matter of fact. and right now treating so many victims from this misker. what are you learning? >> reporter: sunrise is actually the closest to the las vegas strip. they saw 214 patients last night. they did 30 or more surgeries, but unfortunately 15 of those patients died. the most severely wounded people, though, would have been taken here, the university medical center. they saw some 104 patients last night. and what's really amazing is how quickly they were able to get surgeons and nurses into the building and into surgery. at one point, don, they had eight surgeries simultaneously and more surgeons lined up for patients that needed it that moment. the good news is 40 people have been released, but 12 people
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still in critical conditions and four people have died at this facility. obviously there gunshot wounds, also shrapnel wounds. some people were trampled. others hurt themselves in other ways as they were trying to get away from this gunman. i spoke to a family of one 22-year-old california woman. her name was taylor bar. she was brought to this hospital late last night in the back of a pickup truck. that was about a 20 minute drive. the surgery finished and she's now recovering. the good news she actually still has movement in her hand, but she doesn't have a lot of feeling. she's probably going to need more surgery down the road to completely repair the nerve damage that's been done. i spoke to her twin sister. she's waiting for her sister to get out so they can simply go back to california, get out of
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las vegas. she is still -- when i spoke to her, don, she was still wearing the clothes, her bloodied clothes from last night. she hadn't had a chance to go home, neither had her boyfriend. so the las vegas strip doesn't really represent a fun place, and it's really hard to blame them at this point. >> so many awful, awful stories coming out of this tragedy. i want to bring go to las vegas where a candlelight vigil was held tonight. you were at multiple vigils for victims tonight. what was that like? >> reporter: right. well, we moved around. the first one was held on the steps of city hall. and there were several hundred people there including the mayor of the city. and we were just talking about the people know of course the horrific events but noir now trying to focus on a community coming together but also a community trying to remember the
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good things in the aftermath of this. i think there's at least nine vigils if not more going on in just the immediate las vegas area tonight. this one they're just gathering and socializing at this point. but what people are basically trying to focus on are the heros, which we heard so much about, the people that turned out to give blood, and just that this is the kind of las vegas -- i'm talking about those that donate the blood and those who gave their lives to save others, that's this las vegas that people want to know about, not the shooting last night. there are still prayer vigils being held for those wounded and still in the hospital. this is community many people think as a raucous and gambling kind of town, but here they look upon themselves as a very close-knit and now heartbroken community. that's what the mayor said.
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the whole town's heart is broken, and they are struggling to come to grips just as the nation as is well, don. >> very well put. martin savidge, thank you very much. when we come back, much more on our breaking news tonight. the worst mass shooting in modern american history kills 59 people and wounds more than 500 in las vegas. we'll be right back. an i kick i♪ ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ well i'm gone you can avoid extra calories trifrom cooking r. with too much butter and oil. introducing new pam spray pump. with 1 gram of fat and ten calories per serving plus the superior non-stick you love. hashtag omeletgoals new pam spray pump.
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i'm don lemon live in las
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vegas, the skecene of the worst massacre in modern american history. the shooter stephen paddock killing at least 59 people and injuring 527. thank you, sir. appreciate your service. thank you so much for doing what you do. you work for an ambulance company that was involved in taking people to the hospital. tell us about what happened. >> yes, i work for amr here in las vegas. amr and medic west are the two private ambulance companies out here. as soon as we got the call, we immediately started responding. initially we got the call there were nine people shot, and then we started to expand. it started to expand to 20, 25. in total we ended up sending 106 units to this scene. >> i heard one of the firefighters saying he had never seen so many ambulances, so many
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fire trucks in over 30 years of working here. >> that's true. we had an incident on the strip and also a plane catching fire where we sent 19 units and so on so forth. but 106 units. >> what were you seeing? >> people with abrasions, people hit with shrapnel. you name it, we saw it last night. >> you heard of incidents like these. you said you sent people to fires and other things but nothing like this. what's happening? >> we're not sure. we were there at colorado springs. we were there when the orlando shooting happened. we were there in san bernardino. amr has been in all of those. we've learned a little bit, but we haven't learned why those things are happening. >> you said each time you go you learn something. what do you learn? >> we learn how we need to respond to these incidents, the quickest way to get in, quickest
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way to get out, the way we need to notify people, the quickest way to respond to hospitals. if we know there's seven patients, we know we need to send at least 10 units because there's going to be some unaccounted for at the time. >> i want to bring in a doctor now. thank you for joining us. can you tell us how you first learned of this shooting and what your reaction was? >> i was sitting at my desk at home doing work and got a phone call from the administrator saying there was a mas casualty shooting on the strip and they were asking people to come in. >> when victims began arriving at the hospital -- >> i'm sorry, go on. >> go on. there's a delay between us. what kind of injuries did the victims have when they arrived at the hospital? >> it was very clever what they
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did. they set up two separate areas in the surgery area of the hospital. one for surgery trauma and one was chest trauma. so one coming into the er that had obvious chest unit went in one unit. and once they got us there and came utout imaging, then we had to make a decision on triaugbasis on which victims seemed salvable versus ones that were going to be futile and make a decision on who would go to the ct scanner. once we had that done, once they rolled off the scanner, we had a decision who would go to surgery first. that was a very fluid situation. sometimes we'd have a person on deck for surgery, and then another scan would come off and
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we see, oh, this is more critical. so priorities would shift. >> listen, we heard the press conference, and they didn't give us much about the people who were injured and their prognosis. but, again, you're a neuro surgeon. i understand your ward -- and for those recovering, what's their prognosis? >> it's very difficult to say. it depends on the injury. we had all manner of brain and spinal trauma, some surgical and some not. so for the brain trauma victims, the ones that went to surgery took about six or seven to surgery over night and during the day. some are more severe than others. and patients may have lasting deficits and some patients may do quite well. but at this juncture it's very
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early to say how a lot of those patients are going to do over time. >> let's talk about over time. i imagine many of them are suffering from trauma, shock. what kind of treatment will they need going forward, doctor? >> well, again, it depends on the injury. these spine trauma patients, for example, if they sustained a severe deficit where they are going to end up kwu druplegic or paraplegic, they're going to need intense rehabilitation to learn how to negotiate the rest of their lives with that kind of a deficit. for the patients who can regain function, they're still going to need intense rehabilitation to get back as much function as they can. for the brain trauma victims, there's a lot of outpatient resources available to patients who have enough recovery to reintegrate into the community. these are very long processes
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gnat not everyone is eligible for. it depends on recovery. for example, one of the gunshot victims, unfortunately, was shot through the eye before the bullet went to her brain. so she's going to need a lot of work done to repair the orbit and get a prosthetic eye. >> doctor michael seiff, thank you very much. >> pmy pleasure. when we come back, one of the performers at the concert, when he realized what was happening. introducing walkabout wednesdays.
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♪ god bless america my home sweet home ♪ >> come on, vegas, sing it. ♪ god bless america, my home sweet home ♪ >> that was just 90 minutes before the shooting began. joining me now is big kinney of big and rich. thank you so much for joining us. thousands of people all singing together, a short time later all hell breaking loose. how are you doing right? >> man, the only way i know how to describe this is just utter shock and disbelief. and our hearts are just crushed and broken today for all these wonderful fans of music and country music that were there to
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celebrate yesterday like no tomorrow with such a beautiful event, such a beautiful occasion that was ended in such a tragic, tragic night. i just -- i can't tell you. we want to thank all those out here who came running to the response, all of our firefighters, all the police officers. i mean we saw them completely just take that city under control. and i just got to listen, one of my other friends from the east coast sent me the transmission of what was going down when they first heard the shooter was there and how those officers were responding. they were swarming the place to deal with this. but as you can see it's total pandemonium. you can only imagine. i mean i just -- the only thing i can say -- >> where were you? >> where were we? we had played and were going to play again that night to have an after party.
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so we were sitting in our bus to move out before everyone else so we could make it down the street a little way. so we were about a few blocks down the street loading our gear in to play again. and next thing you know we start getting texts, e-mails from all the crews backstage. >> could you hear from where you were? >> yeah, you could hear pandemonium. people running down the streets, people scared. they don't know what's going on. they think there's multiple showers. every wherein there's a high tower, a hotel. no one knew. when i heard about it, we had stepped onto the stage, jammed a couple songs and then cam back down. and when i heard about it, i went to grab my phone down off the bus. but by the time i grabbed my phone off the bus, there were officers, swat coming down from that street. they were starting to figure out
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it was from the mandalay. and lo and behold when i see that picture, my room was three, four floors under neath where that guy set up that day. the one thing we've got to promise to all our fans, all our music lovers is we will not let fear over which us, we will not let fear enter our hearts. when we see all our great communities come together with music like this, the entire country music comes together today to tell everyone we love you, our hearts are broken, and we're going to do everything we can to help us heal and get us back to our joy once again. we've got to keep shining the light to crush this kind of darkness, man, we've got to do
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it. >> i hope people are listening to you. anyone that's hearing the sound of our voice, i hope tloir getting your message. thank you. take care, okay? >> thank you, don. >> i want to bring in now steven cuvack. thanks for joining us. thanks for calling in. i wanted to speak to you after it was announced you donated $500,000 to the victims of this tragedy. tell me more. why did you do if? >> well, our family's very philanthropic to las vegas. and we come from a community hospitalality, and we've made our living doing that. and we love everyone coming from las vegas. and when i saw that the kme commissioner was doing this, i wanted to triple the efforts, both of them.
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and we really did a great thing today, and we're really thrilled about. i've been involved in tourism my entire life, and everyone in las vegas shad rally around this because this is what our rallies are about. and you just had a good friend of mine on, dr. seiff. that's how small this community is. we all know each other. >> you're the chairman and ceo of diamond resorts, right? >> i was the founder of diamond resorts. >> the hotel community, you guys know each other. many of the people who work in the hotels know each other. what is it like for the people here? you said nothing like this has happened, it's a small community. what are people going through?
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>> i mean nobody could think of this one. this was unthinkable. nobody could ever think this could happen, the 32nd floor, 400 feet away. it's impossible to prepare for. totally impossible. and we all do our best to give great hospitality, and there's no better city in the world than the world's entertainment capital, than las vegas. and we do the best we can. >> what do you want to say to the folks out there listening to the sound of your voice right now? >> well, we're all very troubled. but we will continue to provide great hospitality, and we love doing what we do. so please come. always come. there's no better place to enjoy
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in the world. >> listen, this city depends on the livelihood of folks depends on the people coming, tourism and coming to enjoy it. and we heap that continues. we thank you so much. stephen cloobeck donated $500,000. he's the founder of diamond resorts. thank you for your time. over $2 million has been raised so far. that's $2 million in under 24 hours. and you can also donate by going to we have a lot ahead here on cnn. when we come back, another survivor joins me just under 24 hours since the worst massacre in modern american history took place right here in las vegas. when a fire is going on,
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las vegas, a city grieving right now for 59 people killed in the worst massacre in modern american history. 527 more were wounded. joining me now a survivor of this shooting. brian, thank you. i'm so glad that you're here
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tonight. >> thanks, don. >> you've been on cnn as a contributor. how are you doing? >> i haven't slept a single second since the shooting. i can't sleep. i don't think i'll sleep for another day. it might be two more days. my body's still kind of shaking, my heart's still palpitating. i'm back at the mandalay bay. if i hear any noise, it feels like the shooting again. i saw six police officers inside the mandalay bay. it's terrifying. a frightening experience. >> where were you? >> i was in a vip section called the mandalay lounge. i was initially in the front row, heard some pops, thought it was fireworks. he's the last act. but i looked up in the sky and didn't see anything, i was worried. then i urd about ten more pops and saw jason aldean sprint off
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the stage and i knew this was serious. and shortly after this was bombarded with what sounded like warfare. i thought i was in the middle of world war iii. >> it started with jason aldean. >> isn't that something? he hesitated for a few seconds in that song. there was a gap. i thought initially he threw his guitar down. but i talked to a couple musicians today that said he wrapped it around his arm and sprinted off. so i knew that was something -- >> is this an arm band -- >> i can't take this off. it's too emotional. i can't take that off because people got killed in there. and i feel like this is in honor of these people. i can't believe one life was lost let alone 59. can i share something?
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20 minutes before that shooting, i saw two las vegas police officers in the general admissions section, just in front of me. and they were chatting with two lovy women and a guy. and i said to myself this has been the best gig these police officers have had. people celebrating life, not getting in trouble. these police officers have a great. they don't have to do anything. they're chitchatting with people. 20 minutes later we're running for our lives, and they're jumping over fences to fight the shooter. i mean the drastic change in your mind was just mind-blowing to me. >> i know you. you're not okay. >> i'm not okay because -- >> i can see in your eyes. >> i will tell you, there was one moment, don, where, okay, i was down on the ground for about 30 seconds. and the shot -- y even tell --
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the shots were so loud and they felt like they were right over me, and they wouldn't stop. and even though i was laying on the ground, i felt my neck and head exposed. and i was telling myself what's it going to be like to get hit by a bullet, what's it going to feel like? i didn't feel any hope. and praise god it stopped for a few seconds and i went into action and ran down the steps. but there was this hispanic man in the door. and he said don't run north because you're going to be in the sight of the shooter. and he put us in this little room. but when i got in the room i saw about five young ladies age 20, 22. it broke my heart. they had their knees on the ground, and they were in the corner and crying. i feel like i didn't do enough, but the best i could do was try to calm them down and pray a little bit. i didn't want them to get killed. they were young.
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i'm middle-aged. these were young girls. so i said pray, let's sit here. let's push this big thing with wheels on it to get in front of them. and the second the shots stop the second round, i peeked out the door. that's when i felt the most vulnerable, and there was another hero, a las vegas police officer, sees me peeking out and he says run. run north. and so i rallied the people out of that room and we ran north. >> you said you had to survive a lot -- >> you met my 11-year-old daughter. she was little then. i know you haven't heard that for the first time. but she's now 5 feet tall, 11 years old. and when i went into that room, my initial thought was fear, the orlando shooting. i felt it was like pick your
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poison. when you're in the middle of this, people night not realize you don't know how many people there are, one shooter, two shooters. i thought the shooters were right over the fence. i thought they were going to jump the fence. so when i first get into this room, i'm think, oh, my god, why did i do this? i'm going it get killed like the orlando shooting. and i didn't tell you this. i was supposed to take the 7:55 flight back sunday night. but i wanted to stay because my birthday's tomorrow. so i'm sitting there thinking, talking my had my daughter and thinking am i going to die because i chose to stay because my flight was 7:50, and is my daughter going to hear about this? so this is what your mind is going through when you're in the middle of death being at your doorstep.
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>> you're going to be all right, right? >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> dad's alive. you take care. thank you for coming on cnn. we're learning much more tonight about some of those who lost their lives in last night's massacre. jenny parks, kindergarten teacher from lancaster was one of them. her husband was injured in the shooting. jenny has two brothers in las vegas, and the couple was visiting them. susan smith an officer at vista school. she was a big country music fan who had gone to las vegas with friends. and then rhonda laroque of massachusetts was also one of the victims. her sister posted on facebook this doesn't seem real. all i can turn is to god's words for comfort just as she would
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want me, too. san diego jennifer irvine was another victim. ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ well i'm gone
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vegas saying that stephen paddock had an arsenal in his hotel room and at his home about 80 miles away. i want to bring in now cnn law enforcement analyst and also jim cluplenty. he's a former fbi profiler. they all join me live. thank you, gentleman, for joining us. obviously the big unanswered question tonight is motive. what are investigators best options for figuring out what happened? >> i think that's going to be the key part of this, what do they get out of those search warrants? there was an indication, too, there was possibly some electronics in the hotel room. i'm sure they've gone through that already, looked at it from a forensics standpoint, pulled information off that. so i think somewhere in these search warrants and electronics, they're going to find something. >> let's talk about what they found. 17 gun ins his hotel room, 18 guns at his home.
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rounds of ammo, ammonium nitrate in his car. how do they square that seeing there's no history and no motive right now. >> everything has a fingerprint. were they stolen? were some of these weapons purchased as a semiautomatic weapon, and were there modifications to it to make it fully automatic? the sound you heard in the video, those were automatic. could it be he purchased these from his early 20s on and slowly did it methodically, certainly possible. but there should have been red flags along themean, it's possi was also some tanner iet found nosd the car and that type of thing is used for different types of targets that are used
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at times to -- you can shoot them and they explode when the bullet impacts them which leads me to believe that he was doing some type of target practicing so at some point in time somebody would have noticed it. >> i want to bring you in here this is what you do based on what you know so far as a profiler, does this guy fit the profile of a mass shooter, if there even is such a thing? >> well, the fact that because he's a mat shooter and because she's a type of sniper we could pretty much assume that he had some type of god complex. the fact that he would shoot from above, that's an implication of a god complex. but on top of the searches at his house and the rooms, i think we also need to do an autopsy to find out medically and neurologically what was going on with him. i believe there had to have been some kind of trigger, some major stressor in his life, some kind of terminal illness or some major break up or some kind of thing that really set him off. but i also believe that a psychological autopsy is in order here. we need to find out
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psychologically where he's been and where he's headed. and i think that's going to give us a real indication of his motive. >> let's talk a little bit more about that because maybe it's from his past. what's interesting here is the shooter's father was benjamin paddock. he's a convicted bank robber. the shooter was 16 years old when his father was put on the fbi's most wanted list back in 1969. is that significant somehow, jim? >> well, he could have been harboring some kind of anger towards either his father or the government or the people of the united states, because this was a very indiscriminate mass shooting. wasn't picking out individuals. he was firing a high-powered weapon that was on fully automatic, so he was just mowing people down. there weren't specific people that he was targeting. and that tells me he had a general rage, that he probably was some sort of a secret anger
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retaliation kind of offender here. so he had this rage that was probably building up, seething under the surface for a long time and something triggered it for now. remember, he was there -- the concert was there for three days and he was there for more time than that. so he waited. there was a reason why he wait for this time. could have been building up courage to do it. it could have been that something actually triggered him. >> let's talk a little bit more about the shooter. he's divorced 27 years ago. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage. and got them back on track. get started at about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online
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were. let's talk a little bit more about we knew that he was divorced 27 years ago. had a girlfriend. no children. history of gal bling. his brother said he liked video poker, a hundred dollar hand. how important is any of this in determining? >> you look at his profile and there's really nothing that sticks out, that jumps out. there's no red flags there. i think the important part here is whenever the girlfriend prurns from tokyo, the interview they conduct with her is going to hold a lot of information for law enforcement to include possibly a moab for doing this. >> we saw in the beginning that they were looking for his girlfriend and she's overseas, but they said they don't believe she's involved. but how important is she going to be you think in -- >> just as important because you've got to understand there's two pieces. you will signal intelligence whether it's military and law enforcement or any kind of transmission, tablets, the digital exhaust off the telephone, using an easy pass, any of the videotape that would
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have come from the casino with him coming in with a bag or any of the videotape that might have been picked up at the hotel and then the human intelligence. the human intelligence that you harvest from the folks that were there that saw the shooting that were in that crowd at the concert, as well as folks that might have passed this guy while he was bringing in a couple of bags or doing something strange that just didn't seem normal along the way. police are going to be interviewing all these folks along the way. >> jim, let's talk a little bit more about him here, because usually people don't just snap, do they? there is some sort of profile or something that leads them to make a break or do something like this? >> yeah. i think there had to be some kind of underlying drive for this guy. i think they could snap in a triggering event and it could be -- we don't know about the girlfriend. why did she leave? why was she away? is that a triggering event? did something happen in their relationship? or is it something neurological, because it could have been sort of under the surface seething, but then a neurological issue
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rose up. he's 64 years old. this should have reared its ugly head earlier in his life and it didn't and maybe because he had controls over it. but when you're under extreme stress your controls typically drop away. so things that you might not normally do you would act out and do and that could be the case in this situation. >> jim, james, all right thank you very much, gentlemen. i appreciate it. it is the top of the hour now. our breaking news the worst massacre in modern american history. i'm don lemon live in las vegas. thank you so much for joining us. at least 59 people killed. 527 injured, all by one man. stephen paddock turned his hotel room into an arsenal, opening fire on a country music concert right across the street. police tonight saying they found 23 guns in that hotel room, another 19 guns found at paddock's mesquite, nevada h


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